Room small sports eyes stare blankly at small tsing lung "gas bomb? ! You saw it with your own eyes? " "It was the free men who took us to […]
"Are there any abnormalities in those two groups?" Qin Yu frown asked
"There is nothing unusual at present," Dachuan shook his head, "but they have been rejected by us." "I’ll give you a plan to clean them up when you come back," […]
In addition, Linlin received 1.57 million tons of crude oil compensation and signed a lot of subsidiary agreements.
Including two crude oil pipelines, and Oman leased a strategic base of Ceylon Ocean in the northwest of the port. In addition to the supply and maintenance base, this strategic […]
Following the footsteps of Tang Elaine, Li Chengzhu chatted with her left and right. It was walking in the sky, and the little thing on the shoulder suddenly squeaked, and his ears stood upright. Big boss Li’s collarbone mung bean eyes looked aside.
At the same time, two turbulent spiritual pressures were quickly captured by Li Chengzhu. Boss Li didn’t greet Elaine Tang with a frown and disappeared in situ. Luo Tianxian’s view […]
"I can’t do it if I’m fully committed. Let’s hear it. If Li Mouren can help you, you must do it."
Tang Elaine’s face was still a little flushed, but it was much better than before. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the crowd in front of him and said, […]
Coco meets Reed School on CCS Island.
"Hello, Reed School!" "… ha ha hello beautiful lady" Reed replied with a smile. After the two exchanged pleasantries, Chelide took the lead in asking, "Can we do things together?" […]
"I feel good!" The other party returned
When there were a lot of accidents here in Chuanfu, several lives were killed in the resort there! I cann’t hold back the rough waves. The horse is coming! Chapter […]
Shen Dashuai was struck by the thunder evil spirit bead and was banned by Li Chengzhu just now when he patted his face. Now he wants to resist, but he can’t resist. He looked at this beautiful woman in front of his face with fear, and then his mind was broken into a earth, and Yuan Shen rummaged through it wantonly.
A long time before Qin Beauty breathed a sigh of relief, a pair of hideous eyes flashed with Shen Relaxation and a shiver. Qin Beauty withdrew her eyes. Look at […]
"Won’t the father come with me?" Li Chengzhu asked.
I really smiled indifferently. "I have the strength to go to Jin Xian and it won’t help. It’s just a drag on you." "If you gossip, you can go to […]
"Without him, Feng Chengzhang’s meaning has been revealed," Meng Xi said concisely. "Feng Chengzhang wants to be the commander-in-chief of the allied forces!"
The old cat is also a man with a very bright head. He listened to Meng Xi’s words and carefully recalled a Feng Ji’s words, and he had a direction […]